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Joseph definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Joseph definizzjoni tal-isem: dan l-isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Joseph.

Iddefinixxi Joseph

From Ioseph, the Latin form of Greek Ιωσηφ (Ioseph), which was from the Hebrew name יוֹסֵף (Yosef) meaning "he will add". In the Old Testament Joseph is the eleventh son of Jacob and the first with his wife Rachel. Because he was the favourite of his father, his older brothers sent him to Egypt and told their father that he had died. In Egypt, Joseph became an advisor to the pharaoh, and was eventually reconciled with his brothers when they came to Egypt during a famine. This name also occurs in the New Testament, belonging to Saint Joseph the husband of Mary, and to Joseph of Arimathea.

In the Middle Ages, Joseph was a common Jewish name, being less frequent among Christians. In the late Middle Ages Saint Joseph became more highly revered, and the name became popular in Spain and Italy. In England it became common after the Protestant Reformation. This name was borne by rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and Portugal. Other notable bearers include Polish-British author Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) and the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin (1878-1953).

Huwa Joseph isem tat-tifel?

Iva, l-isem Joseph għandu sess maskil.

Formoli femminili ta 'isem Joseph

Isem Joseph għandu ismijiet femminili simili. Ismijiet tan-nisa bħall-isem Joseph:

Fejn tidħol l-ewwel isem Joseph?

Isem Joseph l-aktar komuni f 'Ingliż, Franċiż, Lingwa Ġermaniża, Bibliċi.

Spellings oħra għall-ewwel isem Joseph

יוֹסֵף (Ancient Hebrew)

Vantaġġi ta 'ismijiet Joseph

Analizza ismek u kunjom. Huwa Ħieles!

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Akkwista analiżi

Aktar dwar l-ewwel isem Joseph

Joseph tifsira ta 'isem

Xi tfisser Joseph? Tifsira ta 'isem Joseph.


Joseph oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem

Minn fejn ġejja l-isem Joseph? Oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem Joseph.


Joseph definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Dan l-ewwel isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Joseph.


Nicknames għal Joseph

Joseph ismijiet diminuttivi. Nicknames għall-ewwel isem Joseph.


Joseph f'lingwi oħra

Tgħallem kif l-isem Joseph jikkorrispondi ma 'l-ewwel isem f'lingwa oħra f'pajjiż ieħor.


Kif tippronunzja Joseph

Kif tispjega lil Joseph? Modi differenti biex tippronunzja Joseph. Pronunzja ta 'Joseph


Joseph kompatibilità mal-kunjomijiet

Test ta 'kompatibilità Joseph mal-kunjomijiet.


Joseph kompatibilità ma 'ismijiet oħra

Test ta 'kompatibilità Joseph b'isimhom.


Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Joseph

Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Joseph