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Thomas definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Thomas definizzjoni tal-isem: dan l-isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Thomas.

Iddefinixxi Thomas

Greek form of the Aramaic name תָּאוֹמָא (Ta'oma') which meant "twin". In the New Testament this is the name of an apostle. When he heard that Jesus had risen from the dead he initially doubted the story, until Jesus appeared before him and he examined his wounds himself. According to tradition he was martyred in India. Due to his renown, the name came into general use in the Christian world.

In England the name was introduced by the Normans and became very popular due to Saint Thomas Becket, a 12th-century archbishop of Canterbury and martyr. Another notable saint by this name was the 13th-century Italian philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas, who is regarded as a Doctor of the Church. Other famous bearers include philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), American president Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), novelist Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), and inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931).

Huwa Thomas isem tat-tifel?

Iva, l-isem Thomas għandu sess maskil.

Formoli femminili ta 'isem Thomas

Isem Thomas għandu ismijiet femminili simili. Ismijiet tan-nisa bħall-isem Thomas:

Fejn tidħol l-ewwel isem Thomas?

Isem Thomas l-aktar komuni f 'Ingliż, Franċiż, Lingwa Ġermaniża, Olandiż, Lingwa Żvediża, Norveġiż, Daniż, Grieg, Bibliċi, Latin Bibliku, Grieg bibliku.

Spellings oħra għall-ewwel isem Thomas

Θωμας (bil-lingwa Griega)

Vantaġġi ta 'ismijiet Thomas

Analizza ismek u kunjom. Huwa Ħieles!

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Aktar dwar l-ewwel isem Thomas

Thomas tifsira ta 'isem

Xi tfisser Thomas? Tifsira ta 'isem Thomas.


Thomas oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem

Minn fejn ġejja l-isem Thomas? Oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem Thomas.


Thomas definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Dan l-ewwel isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Thomas.


Nicknames għal Thomas

Thomas ismijiet diminuttivi. Nicknames għall-ewwel isem Thomas.


Thomas f'lingwi oħra

Tgħallem kif l-isem Thomas jikkorrispondi ma 'l-ewwel isem f'lingwa oħra f'pajjiż ieħor.


Kif tippronunzja Thomas

Kif tispjega lil Thomas? Modi differenti biex tippronunzja Thomas. Pronunzja ta 'Thomas


Thomas kompatibilità mal-kunjomijiet

Test ta 'kompatibilità Thomas mal-kunjomijiet.


Thomas kompatibilità ma 'ismijiet oħra

Test ta 'kompatibilità Thomas b'isimhom.


Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Thomas

Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Thomas