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Jacob definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Jacob definizzjoni tal-isem: dan l-isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Jacob.

Iddefinixxi Jacob

From the Latin Iacobus, which was from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aqov). In the Old Testament Jacob (later called Israel) is the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel, and his name is explained as meaning "holder of the heel" or "supplanter", because he twice deprived his brother of his rights as the firstborn son (see Genesis 27:36). Other theories claim that it is in fact derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect".

The English names Jacob and James derive from the same source, with James coming from Latin Iacomus, a later variant of Iacobus. Unlike English, many languages do not have separate spellings for the two names.

In England, Jacob was mainly regarded as a Jewish name during the Middle Ages, though the variant James was used among Christians. Jacob came into general use as a Christian name after the Protestant Reformation. A famous bearer was Jacob Grimm (1785-1863), the German linguist and writer who was, with his brother Wilhelm, the author of 'Grimm's Fairy Tales'.

Huwa Jacob isem tat-tifel?

Iva, l-isem Jacob għandu sess maskil.

Formoli femminili ta 'isem Jacob

Isem Jacob għandu ismijiet femminili simili. Ismijiet tan-nisa bħall-isem Jacob:

Fejn tidħol l-ewwel isem Jacob?

Isem Jacob l-aktar komuni f 'Ingliż, Olandiż, Lingwa Żvediża, Norveġiż, Daniż, Lhudija, Bibliċi.

Spellings oħra għall-ewwel isem Jacob

יַעֲקֹב (bil-lingwa Ebrajk)

Vantaġġi ta 'ismijiet Jacob

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Aktar dwar l-ewwel isem Jacob

Jacob tifsira ta 'isem

Xi tfisser Jacob? Tifsira ta 'isem Jacob.


Jacob oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem

Minn fejn ġejja l-isem Jacob? Oriġini ta 'l-ewwel isem Jacob.


Jacob definizzjoni ta 'l-ewwel isem

Dan l-ewwel isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem Jacob.


Nicknames għal Jacob

Jacob ismijiet diminuttivi. Nicknames għall-ewwel isem Jacob.


Jacob f'lingwi oħra

Tgħallem kif l-isem Jacob jikkorrispondi ma 'l-ewwel isem f'lingwa oħra f'pajjiż ieħor.


Kif tippronunzja Jacob

Kif tispjega lil Jacob? Modi differenti biex tippronunzja Jacob. Pronunzja ta 'Jacob


Jacob kompatibilità mal-kunjomijiet

Test ta 'kompatibilità Jacob mal-kunjomijiet.


Jacob kompatibilità ma 'ismijiet oħra

Test ta 'kompatibilità Jacob b'isimhom.


Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Jacob

Lista tal-kunjom bl-isem Jacob