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Britain tifsira ta 'isem tal-post

definizzjoni tal-isem: dan l-isem f'lingwi oħra, varjetajiet ta 'ortografija u pronunzja, varjanti femminili u maskili tal-ewwel isem .

Iddefinixxi Britain

From Britannia, the Latin name for the island of Great Britain, the land of the Britons. It derives from the name of the Britons, recorded in Greek in the 4th century BC as Πρεττανικη (Prettanike), and reconstructed as Proto-Brythonic *Priteni, possibly meaning "tattooed people".

Tip ta 'post Britain

It-tip ta 'post Britain huwa Region

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L-isem tal-post Britain l-aktar komuni fid English.

Britain varjanti ta 'isem tal-post

Britain f'lingwi oħra

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